FenêtreS is first of all an association whose activities are part of a general interest approach - social actions - intellectual productions and awareness events open to all.
“FenêtreS” is a cooperation platform for independent social workers and education stakeholders, created in 2014, which offers a wide range of activities and fee-for-service services for parents and for social and medical structures as well. Our tools are digital: YTINEO mobile application and website for linking, dossier and shared liaison book, service contract and Career Support Project.
“FenêtreS” develops and supports intercultural projects implemented in the framework of European programs, particularly in the areas of mobility, ecology, culture, social affairs,
education, employment; “FenêtreS” designs, plans and implements European projects within the Erasmus+ program and informs about the programs and EU projects. We focus
mainly on:
- youngsters in difficulty, trying to offer them a new approach on social integration ;
- adult education with a non formal education approach.

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