DEMOSTENE Centro Studi is a youth non-governmental, research centre and non-profit organization born in 2014 and committed in education, mobility and international cooperation.
The main aim is to develop a good society through empowerment of young people, adults and consolidate communities according to the principles of democracy and human rights.
Aims of the organization are:
- Promoting right to mobility as fundamental human right and as a tool for personal development;
- Promoting active citizenship, in particular among citizens who are experiencing or at risk of experiencing social marginalization;
- Enhance the international dimension of education and training and improve the level of key competences and skills of young people;
- Promoting culture and economy of legality and human rights;
- Promoting empowerment of disadvantage groups (such us migrants etc)
- International cooperation as means for sustainable and self-centred development, and for the development of social and human relation who are sustainable and based on solidarity;
- Promoting local and international volunteering as tool for social actions and building a more equal and united society through the promotion of values as Peace and Justice.
To achieve this goals, DEMOSTENE Centro Studi works in the educational, mobility and vocational field through the currently program Erasmus plus, Europe for citizens.

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